My Club Penguin Experience
Alright, I know for sure this is something a lot of you have waited for. After all, my blog mostly centers around Club Penguin - with a dash of other virtual worlds here and there. I haven't really told my full Club Penguin story to anyone, because I've never deemed it necessary. I figured, though, that it would make a good blog post - and that's why I stretched out my Webkinz story into a full saga. If you haven't seen the other posts in this trilogy, check 'em out! You'll need the context from it. What's interesting is that prior to starting work on this post, is that I found Club Penguin related blog posts on my old blog - that of which I ran from the ages of 9 to 13, talking about random stuff that I liked. Those Club Penguin posts date back to August 2016, but it's possible I could've been playing for longer. My memory can get really faulty, and I often just have to connect the dots between key memories. I don't remember the date I signed ...